Medicare Supplement Help
There are Three ways to pay for Healthcare when you get Medicare
For the past 26 years we have enrolled thousands of clients just like you in Medicare, things have changed, the process of care and advice remains the same. Our firm specializes in assisting you the client in understanding those THREE ways. It is our passion that you receive the most thorough and expert advice from our company. We are advisors and focus on educating and empowering clients in shopping for and choosing the right plan based on your specific financial, health and geographic needs. Choosing a Medicare Supplement is something we do over 100 times every month, however, every client situation is unique. Even the most well-meaning friend, neighbor or family member has a different set of circumstances. Like fingerprints, your needs are different than others, our objective is to remove all of the noise and guide you to a well-thought and practical solution.
Medicare Only
And 80/20 Health Plan, you pay 20% without a cap on your total expenses. Great for those with unlimited resources. Cost in 2021 $148.50 per month unless you qualify for the Medicare Savings Program. Part A is for Hospitalization and Part B is for the Doctor.
Medicare Supplements
Has a monthly premium, less out of pocket costs, accepted by any Provider or Facility that accepts Medicare. Plan G and N are the most popular in 2021. You will want to also obtain a Prescription Drug Plan with a supplement.
Medicare Advantage
Less cost, more restrictions and higher out of pocket costs. Do all of your doctors take this coverage ? Includes a "built-in" drug plan unless it is an MA Only Plan. Beware of the MOOP, Maximum Annual Out of Pocket. Also known as Part C
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